Blog sharing study in australia experience

Friday, July 09, 2004

GMAIL welcome to Google INC.

Hi guys,

before i start writting i would love to say i had the best thai food ever in my life today. Eating Thai food always remind me of indian curries cooked in mild flavor.

I always make it a point that i have good lunch every friday so that can enjoy the best out of my weekend with an early start.

This week work had involved doing research here and there + doing reality check on background/viability of projects being proposed to be developed.

I was involved doing BETA Testing for GMAIL for my boss as he has been really interested in understanding need/viability and to find an actual reason behind why Google came up with GMAIL.

First step to get started was to get an invite to use GMAIL. As you all know right now GMAIL is in beta testing stage and is invitation only.

Lucky for me i use BlogSpot for sharing my thoughts with everyone out there. Logged into write a blog and find on the right hand side an AD by google saying. "Would you please like to test Gmail"

Step 2 : answer is YES

Step 3 : Over to registration at GMAIL and the result :

Well google people are very smart and to keep people like me to make multiple mail addresses at one time. I tried clicking on the link again from my blogspot account and could not get through.

This thing has another deep meaning which makes you thing Google is trying to turn into another Yahoo where they are carefully building their web properties in seperate entities but keeping them linked in such a fashion that one day consolidating them together under a new umberalla wont be a problem.

Google's IPO was oversubscribed and they have enough money to take over pretty much anyone big rite now.

Getting back to GMAIL. Once you login its a pretty neat design making me remember my university time e-mail address when i actual use to use it. Simple neat texty. See no company can survive to give free e-mail without AD's and same goes for google. Now as far homepage is concerned i hate Animated ad's when i m there to read my mail. so google learned this fine point very clear and didnt throw any ad on the homepage for me.Once this was done then the job of snooping through features started.

i have subscribed to lot of technology newsletters and rest assure Google is putting them in SPAM MAILS. google's GMAIL SPAM FILTER RATE According to me is 67% which is not too bad. As Hotmail's SPAM FILTER RATE is 30% according to me and Yahoo stands at good 43%.

For further testing of their content in e-mail based Ad's i m trying to include keywords like Porn,SEX,Guns,Violance just to see if they bring up ad's or not with the e-mail. As Kid filter for e-mails like these is must and just like they have moderate search available. They should have moderate Ad's turn on and off facilty in this.

Want to see can we have a way such that an option like scan on scan off could be made available for e-mails comming in from trusted contacts. This would certainly help streamline operations for corporate looking forward to use gmail for their advantage.

Also allowing gmail to be used with Outlook would certainly help even if it involves development of a component to get ad's with the mails onto people's computers.

Lets see still testing this baby. Hope to send out some invitations to everyone. Do put in your feedback if you are looking for Google Invitation to use GMAIL.

catch ya guys laterz

bye for now!!!


Thursday, July 08, 2004

Life .NET!!

Hi everyone,

since comming in of .NET life has changed a lot at the job front. First of all people who were comming sitting in the IT industry were shaken to learn something new and compete with the fresher bread of minds for survival in the industry.

There are very few companies left in the world which have not been touched by the .NET bug and with every day passing by and people discovering something new about .NET it looks like Microsoft has unvieled a series like of ROCKY with never ending Sequel.

If Microsoft has been working to form a cult and following what Unix/Linux have today .NET has given them the best shot at it.

Day is not far when we will see more number of people walking down the streets using .NET powered devices. We already have phones shipping in and the proposed Multimedia Center for home comming in end of the year. Things are going Microsoft way.

Looking at Microsoft's 3 languages

- Vb.NET
- C#
- C++ .NET

i would say i love C# as it let me walk the tight rope between the 2 extremes. Though i have no grudge against Vb.NET but my disliking for programming in Visual basic due to its simplicity and more control of language over operator then the other way round takes me a step away from it.

C++.NET on the other hand is the immortality i want to achieve but still stands at a distance due to rate of exploration and its sacredness among the comman developer world.

just like now Visual C++ was always not everyone' cup of tea same goes for C++.NET. If one thinks he is the master of all time and would seriously wants to do thing differently then this is the language to explore.

Anyway i will head back into office after 2 hrs again and i have more to share as i have been missing on writting stuff for ages now.

Catchy guys laterz
