Blog sharing study in australia experience

Monday, January 10, 2005

Job Market in Australia

Many people ask me question in regard to this and following are more specific to the point questions and answer session from my previous chat and messages on the message board

Q1) Is it possible to stay back in Australia after doing MBA ?

Ans) According to the Australian Immigration LAW Indian students have to leave the shore within 28 days of completion of degree if they are not able to secure full time Employment where there employers is ready to sponsor there work permit.

Q2)Is it easy to get these jobs which will get you Work Permit ?

Ans) They are very rare and i have not meet a single person till date sucessful under this category.

Q3) So then what is the alternative ?

Ans) If you are really desperate and have done a Bachelors with Accounting Major then you are in luck as you may qualify for Permanent Residency or Green Card of Australia.

Q4) Should i realy on P.R as method to stay back in Australia ?

Ans) With more people migrating to Australia its day by day becoming difficult to migrate or get P.R of Australia. Every 6 months rule change. You local agents other than IDP will be able to tell you latest scenario but dont rely on information as it may change again when you are on shore.

Q5) What do employers look from an MBA ?

Ans) They look in terms of specialization and experience they carry.The concept of mba according to them is a proffesional with 2-3 years experience and theoritical polishing provided by MBA ready to practise enhanced skills and efficent methods learnt of doing things in real time world based on previous experience etc..

Q6) is MBA better for me if i have already done BBA for example ?

Ans ) NO its better to do MA in Finance or Marketing as it talks about specialization which will help you in long run then an MBA.

For more queries be free to post a comment and i will sure to reply back



Sunday, January 09, 2005

Hi there,
so many people ask me regarding donig MS from Australia following is the answer from my side for them
: it all depends on what kind of Research Interest do you have. As different university will have different scholars good in one thing and others good in another.
Like for example i have done my B.S Computer Science from Latrobe Uni. Now The scholars here are know for Software Engineering.
The best uni to do MS from Australia i believe is UTS as the research scholars there are the best. Also another good point about that university is their Dean (IT) is very initative taking hence whatever research opportunity you will get. His brand name will make a lot of effort in terms of getting yourself funding for carrying it forwards.
Another thing i would like to mention to you is if you planning to come to Australia for just sake of getting a Masters of Computer Science and find a job then forget it as the market does not work here like this. The Market here expect a Masters in Computer Science graduate to have completed a research project as part of his degree and more than that should have minimum 3-4 years post-undergrad experience and your reason for masters for them should reflect specialization in area of interest. If you feel above requirement will not pose a problem when going in for an interview. You are most welcome to touch the Australian shores.
Otherwise i feel you should think about doing work in India as rite now growth opportunity as far IT is considered is more in india then in any other country. If you can rise with the tide get work experience for 2-3 years in a good MNC like Accenture Technologies or others and later ask the H.R to sponsor yours MCS (Research).
Now that makes more sense to me as well as this will help you make up path for Settling down long term in country of your choice.
Just select your specialization from following fields like
- Broadband networks
- Wireless Networks
- Software Quality
- A.I
- E-Commerce
- Security etc...
there are few fields to get your mind working. other than this just a little hint out.
RMIT - Networking & Telecommunication
Monash - Commerce and Multimedia(depends on Monash Campus)
UTS - Software Engineering, BIOTECH,AI
Latrobe - Software Engineering & AI
hopefully this should help

Monday, January 03, 2005

Hi ,

this new year has been really great for me till now . I have been getting good news since start of it. I have matured internally to understand the life better and see through a new glass prism which gives me idea on how other people look at me.

Around Christmas after my trip to Sydney i started reading a book by Guy Kawasaki called " The Art of Start". This book takes a wanna be enterprenuer through various stages of Foundation of an organization.

This book gave me a better understanding of few things which i thought we obiovous in a process of starting an organization. I learnt a very important lesson

i) Don't take things for guaranteed

ii) Learn to ask lot of questions and have an possibility ready in case of back fire of situation.

iii) Bootstrapping is key to success.

This help's me to open another chapter of life where rather than being on front foot, also learn to play some defensive back foot cricket.

guy Kawasaki explains in lot of detail stuff which a simple CS major degree can use a PRIMER to learn the business terms and working style.

I believe my efforts being put in writing application with my mates in Garage other than my daily commitment to Cyberica will lead one day to another sucessful venture to be appreciated by masses in general.

I dont believe in becoming the Next MICROSOFT, but some one who would make a clear impact in life's of people they touch. In today's world a person can only succeed by collabration. Honestly speaking people with short term thinking with idealogy to advance on others expense wont go long in the race of life.

I recon lesson learnt here.


Siddharth Puri

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Hi Everyone always ask about australian university ranking, hence i found very good ranking for people to judge what kind of university they are landing in

Prestige Star Ratings by Good University Guides
The Prestige Star Ratings by Good University Guides (The only ratings recognised by the Australian Government) -


University of New South Wales
University of Queensland
University of Sydney
University of Melbourne
University of Western Australia
University of Adelaide
Australian National University
Monash University


University of Tasmania
Macquarie University
Griffith University
University of Wollongong


RMIT University
La Trobe University
Queensland University of Technology
Curtin University of Technology
University of Technology Sydney
Bond University


Central Queensland University
University of Southern Queensland
University of South Australia
University of Canberra
University of Western Sydney
Swinburne University of Technology
Deakin University
University of Notre Dame


Victoria University of Technology
University of Ballarat
Charles Sturt University
Charles Darwin University
Edith Cowan University
Australian Catholic University

NOTE - These Star Ratings have been published on this website from The Good University Guides 2005 edition.

For people interested in doing Research following is more information

Top 15 Research Australian Universities

The Federal Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, owned by the Australian Department of Higher Education, has published its report detrmining the research centric universities in Australia. The FCQA analysed the research activites at 36 australian universities

. The following are the rankings of the Top 15 research universities as per FCQA report.
Rank 1 - Australian National University
Rank 2 - University of Melbourne
Rank 3 - University of New South Wales
Rank 4 - University of Sydney
Rank 5 - University of Queensland
Rank 6 - University of Western Australia
Rank 7 - Monash University
Rank 8 - University of Adelaide
Rank 9 - Flinders University
Rank 10 - Griffith University
Rank 11 - University of Tasmania
Rank 12 - La Trobe University
Rank 13 - University of New England
Rank 14 - Macquarie University
Rank 15 - Queensland University of Technology


Please also note the above mentioned research universities ranking was also quoted by TIME
HES world famous british journal.




Saturday, January 01, 2005

Study in Australia

I know so many people who always ask me question in regard to studies in Australia. I know with my degree from Australia and more than 3 years experience living there surely helps in providing relevant answers to there queries, Though i some time feel i could help people more if i have a strict better managed resource where i could answer people queries and direct them to other experts how have knowledge of the area and heart to help people with.

I found a website This is a very useful forum where people are always nice enough to reply to any question asked in regard to studying abroad.

Based on my experience posting replies since last 6 months i would like to try to answer few questions here.

My favourite Forum is the one which talks about doing MBA Abroad

So the favourite Question people ask

Q1) Can i get admission in MBA without work Experience ?

Ans) YES and NO. YES as there are lot of educational instituations whose main purpose is to earn money then to impart education of the right value. You travel anywhere in the world you can find such inst. of higher education.

in Australia its my personal opinion following are of such kind

- Central Queensland University (victoria and NSW Campuses)

- Melbourne Inst. of Technology ( Ballarat University)

- Charles Stuart University

- James Cook University


Q2) Where should i do MBA from :Melbourne,Sydney,Perth,Gold Coast,Tasmania etc.

Ans) If you are smart enough to take a decision to do an MBA, i believe then you should smart enough to select a location for your MBA too

Following are the factors which should be levied while selection a location anywhere in the world for doing MBA

- Industrial Town & City. Once you complete an MBA choice or atleast a positive chance of landing job with a good established employer.

- Large amount of international recognistion to the place as a business location.

In this case only 2 cities in australia will suite the defination - Melbourne and Sydney while later being more suitable with more opportunities.

Q3) Job Opportunties in Australia after MBA ?

Ans ) Job Market in Australia is really bad if you dont have any experience . If you have more than 4-5 years experience in a particular field they will welcome you with open arms. Other wise you will end up working in call centre's or driving taxi's this is the situation of most of graduates here.

Q4)Cost of living while studying in Australia ?

Ans) Now this varies from city to city on an average Cost of living breaks up as following

Rent 200-300 AUD in shared accomodation with 3-4 friends. Monthly expense can be pitted at 750 -1200 AUD depending on person to person habits and lifestyle.

Q5)Is PR affected by the area where we live in(like extra points fer rural areas)

Ans. Well yes if these uni's are in rural category like western australia then surely you will get points in P.R . But then any dream to earn your own living cost and be good byed.

Following are some good MBA universities in Australia

i)Melbourne Business School,University of Melbourne

ii)AGSM .Sydney

iii)Mt. Eliza Business School,Monash University,Melbourne

iv)University of Technology Sydney

Another reason why you should do MBA from a good business school in a big city. as you will have better job
prospects because of alumni base. Job prospects as far as MBA's are concerned are very dim in this economy but you will find immediate employment for around 35-40 K package on completion of degree as most of the companies here rely on linkage of their Accounting and Finance department with Call Centres. With experience atleast you will find staright employment. But as far as P.R is concerned its difficult for MBA's to find Jobs except for call centres to begin with this is the reason P.R is difficult to get at current position.

Universities to avoid

i) James Cook University
ii)Charles Stuart University
iii)Melbourne Institue of Technology,Ballart University
iv)Any University in Western Australia,Northern Terittory

concentrate on Victoria or NSW.

I will be posting more information. I welcome people to ask questions to me directly using comments on this blog . I can also answer question in regards to bachelors or MS Programs as i really like to help people



Hi all,

i have found a new home to live. Good thing about the place is its just opposite KFC. Bad thing is too close to it. Though this new year rather than wasting time writing about stuff i really dont care too much, i would like to appeal to everyone to please donate atleast 1 day salary for the people struck by modern days worst calamity : TSUNAMI.

It has already taken more than 100,000 lives and with fear of outbreak of more diseases this toll can go upto 200,000. If everyone can come forward to help these people affected directly or indirectly, it would help in showing solidetry with mankind. Helping establish the fact human beings do have a soul and dont carry a heart of stone which can't just turn deaf to other people's hue and cry.

WWW.NBCINDIA.COM an Indian Book Portal is helping in collection of funds for donation to INDIAN PRIME MINISTER RELEIF FUND. Please if you cant send money directly to Indian Prime Minister Relief Fund please make a small contribution on their website.

Help make india stronger in the hour of Need!!

