Job Market in Australia
Many people ask me question in regard to this and following are more specific to the point questions and answer session from my previous chat and messages on the message board
Q1) Is it possible to stay back in Australia after doing MBA ?
Ans) According to the Australian Immigration LAW Indian students have to leave the shore within 28 days of completion of degree if they are not able to secure full time Employment where there employers is ready to sponsor there work permit.
Q2)Is it easy to get these jobs which will get you Work Permit ?
Ans) They are very rare and i have not meet a single person till date sucessful under this category.
Q3) So then what is the alternative ?
Ans) If you are really desperate and have done a Bachelors with Accounting Major then you are in luck as you may qualify for Permanent Residency or Green Card of Australia.
Q4) Should i realy on P.R as method to stay back in Australia ?
Ans) With more people migrating to Australia its day by day becoming difficult to migrate or get P.R of Australia. Every 6 months rule change. You local agents other than IDP will be able to tell you latest scenario but dont rely on information as it may change again when you are on shore.
Q5) What do employers look from an MBA ?
Ans) They look in terms of specialization and experience they carry.The concept of mba according to them is a proffesional with 2-3 years experience and theoritical polishing provided by MBA ready to practise enhanced skills and efficent methods learnt of doing things in real time world based on previous experience etc..
Q6) is MBA better for me if i have already done BBA for example ?
Ans ) NO its better to do MA in Finance or Marketing as it talks about specialization which will help you in long run then an MBA.
For more queries be free to post a comment and i will sure to reply back