Study in Australia
I know so many people who always ask me question in regard to studies in Australia. I know with my degree from Australia and more than 3 years experience living there surely helps in providing relevant answers to there queries, Though i some time feel i could help people more if i have a strict better managed resource where i could answer people queries and direct them to other experts how have knowledge of the area and heart to help people with.
I found a website This is a very useful forum where people are always nice enough to reply to any question asked in regard to studying abroad.
Based on my experience posting replies since last 6 months i would like to try to answer few questions here.
My favourite Forum is the one which talks about doing MBA Abroad
So the favourite Question people ask
Q1) Can i get admission in MBA without work Experience ?
Ans) YES and NO. YES as there are lot of educational instituations whose main purpose is to earn money then to impart education of the right value. You travel anywhere in the world you can find such inst. of higher education.
in Australia its my personal opinion following are of such kind
- Central Queensland University (victoria and NSW Campuses)
- Melbourne Inst. of Technology ( Ballarat University)
- Charles Stuart University
- James Cook University
Q2) Where should i do MBA from :Melbourne,Sydney,Perth,Gold Coast,Tasmania etc.
Ans) If you are smart enough to take a decision to do an MBA, i believe then you should smart enough to select a location for your MBA too
Following are the factors which should be levied while selection a location anywhere in the world for doing MBA
- Industrial Town & City. Once you complete an MBA choice or atleast a positive chance of landing job with a good established employer.
- Large amount of international recognistion to the place as a business location.
In this case only 2 cities in australia will suite the defination - Melbourne and Sydney while later being more suitable with more opportunities.
Q3) Job Opportunties in Australia after MBA ?
Ans ) Job Market in Australia is really bad if you dont have any experience . If you have more than 4-5 years experience in a particular field they will welcome you with open arms. Other wise you will end up working in call centre's or driving taxi's this is the situation of most of graduates here.
Q4)Cost of living while studying in Australia ?
Ans) Now this varies from city to city on an average Cost of living breaks up as following
Rent 200-300 AUD in shared accomodation with 3-4 friends. Monthly expense can be pitted at 750 -1200 AUD depending on person to person habits and lifestyle.
Q5)Is PR affected by the area where we live in(like extra points fer rural areas)
Ans. Well yes if these uni's are in rural category like western australia then surely you will get points in P.R . But then any dream to earn your own living cost and be good byed.
Following are some good MBA universities in Australia
i)Melbourne Business School,University of Melbourne
ii)AGSM .Sydney
iii)Mt. Eliza Business School,Monash University,Melbourne
iv)University of Technology Sydney
Another reason why you should do MBA from a good business school in a big city. as you will have better job
prospects because of alumni base. Job prospects as far as MBA's are concerned are very dim in this economy but you will find immediate employment for around 35-40 K package on completion of degree as most of the companies here rely on linkage of their Accounting and Finance department with Call Centres. With experience atleast you will find staright employment. But as far as P.R is concerned its difficult for MBA's to find Jobs except for call centres to begin with this is the reason P.R is difficult to get at current position.
Universities to avoid
i) James Cook University
ii)Charles Stuart University
iii)Melbourne Institue of Technology,Ballart University
iv)Any University in Western Australia,Northern Terittory
concentrate on Victoria or NSW.
I will be posting more information. I welcome people to ask questions to me directly using comments on this blog . I can also answer question in regards to bachelors or MS Programs as i really like to help people
hi sid u r doin a gr8 job
ur a dude
well i m BE in elec & telecom.
i wanna ask u
1)if i can get pr after completin mba frm uts(lwe).
2)wht specialization i opt for?
3)u hav mentioned salary package of mush is it really?
thanx again for all ur answers
8:17 PM
Hi Sid !
Good initiative . Happy to see some1 cuming ahead to share sumthing good & valuable .
Now , let me raise u a few queries.
First of all ! Are u sure of your view about CQU reputation. They definitely dont have an edge over other universities if you compare them with Tier1 or Tier@ universities ( refering . - Top Mba), but in Good Uuniversities Guide , it has consequetively got 5 stars , third time in a row.
most of us know, Monash , Melbourne , UTS , AGMS etc are incomparable.but getting into them is somewhat not possible for most.
I am getting MBA( LWE ) in UTS however the fee is 40000 AUD dats giving me a second thought of applying in CQU & the Like.
U must agree its more on the candidate's potential to determine his own employability though University's reputation is also there. But Can u say outrightly & in a clear cut way - This is genuinly Good & This is definitely Bad. Suitability also has to be there keeping in mind the cultural ( especially for International students ) , geographical & commercial factors.
Not being partial towards any institution , yet would like sum1 to add sumthing for everyone's awareness.
Thanks Bye
4:02 AM
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